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Spark – Job, Stages & Tasks

Apache Spark is a powerful distributed computing framework designed for large-scale data processing. Understanding the concepts of Job, Stage, and Task in Spark is crucial for optimizing and debugging Spark applications. Let’s break down these concepts with a detailed explanation and an example.

1. Job

A Job in Spark is the highest-level unit of work that is triggered by an action (e.g., count(), collect(), save(), etc.). Each action in your Spark program triggers a separate Job.

2. Stage

A Stage is a smaller set of tasks that can be executed as a unit. Spark breaks a Job into stages based on the operations that can be pipelined together. Typically, a stage corresponds to a step in the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of computations, ending with a shuffle operation. Stages are divided into tasks based on the data partitions.

3. Task

A Task is the smallest unit of work in Spark. Each stage is split into multiple tasks, with one task corresponding to a single data partition. Tasks are executed on the worker nodes.

Example: Word Count

Let’s walk through an example of a simple word count program in Spark:

Breakdown of Job, Stage, and Task


The collect() action triggers a Job in Spark. The entire sequence of transformations (flatMap, map, reduceByKey) leading up to the action defines the job.


Spark analyzes the transformations and constructs a logical execution plan. The execution plan for our word count example might look like this:

  1. Stage 1:
    • Transformations: flatMap and map
    • Explanation: These transformations can be pipelined together as they do not require shuffling the data.
    • Output: (word, 1) pairs
  2. Stage 2:
    • Transformation: reduceByKey
    • Explanation: This is a Wide Dependency transformation requires a shuffle to group all occurrences of the same word together.
    • Output: Final word counts


Each stage is divided into tasks, one per partition of the data:

  • In Stage 1, each task will:
    1. Read a partition of the input RDD.
    2. Apply the flatMap transformation to split lines into words.
    3. Apply the map transformation to create (word, 1) pairs.
    4. Output the intermediate (word, 1) pairs to be shuffled.
  • In Stage 2, each task will:
    1. Read the shuffled (word, 1) pairs.
    2. Apply the reduceByKey transformation to count occurrences of each word.
    3. Output the final counts.

Detailed Execution

  1. Stage 1 Execution:
    • If the input RDD is split into 4 partitions, Spark will create 4 tasks for Stage 1.
    • Each task operates on one partition of the data, applying flatMap and map transformations, and producing intermediate (word, 1) pairs.
  2. Shuffle:
    • Intermediate data (word, 1) pairs are shuffled across the network to group all occurrences of the same word together. This is where the transition between Stage 1 and Stage 2 occurs.
  3. Stage 2 Execution:
    • The number of tasks in Stage 2 is determined by the number of reduce partitions.
    • Each task reads a set of (word, 1) pairs and applies reduceByKey to count the words.
    • The results are then collected by the collect() action.

Example: Sales Data Analysis

Suppose we have a CSV file containing sales data with the following columns: Date, Product, Sales.

We want to calculate the total sales per product.

Spark DataFrame Operations:

Breakdown of Job, Stage, and Task


The show() action triggers a Job in Spark. The sequence of transformations (groupBy and sum) leading up to the action defines the job.


Spark constructs a logical execution plan for these transformations. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Stage 1:
    • Transformations: Reading the CSV file into a DataFrame.
    • Explanation: This stage involves reading the data and creating an initial DataFrame.
    • Output: Parsed DataFrame with the schema (Date, Product, Sales).
  2. Stage 2:
    • Transformations: groupBy and sum.
    • Explanation: These transformations require shuffling to group the data by Product and then aggregating the Sales.
    • Output: Aggregated DataFrame with total sales per product.


Each stage is divided into tasks, one per partition of the data:

  • In Stage 1, each task will:
    1. Read a partition of the CSV file.
    2. Parse the CSV data into rows of the DataFrame.
  • In Stage 2, each task will:
    1. Read a partition of the parsed DataFrame.
    2. Apply the groupBy transformation to group data by Product.
    3. Apply the sum transformation to aggregate the Sales for each Product.

Detailed Execution

  1. Stage 1 Execution:
    • Spark reads the CSV file into a DataFrame. If the CSV file is split into 4 partitions, Spark will create 4 tasks for Stage 1.
    • Each task reads its portion of the CSV file and parses it into the DataFrame format.
  2. Shuffle:
    • The data is shuffled to group rows by Product. This involves network communication to ensure that all rows with the same Product end up on the same partition.
  3. Stage 2 Execution:
    • Spark creates tasks to process the grouped data. The number of tasks in Stage 2 is determined by the number of shuffle partitions.
    • Each task performs the aggregation (sum) on its partition of the grouped data.
    • The result is a DataFrame with the total sales per product.

In this DataFrame example, a Job is triggered by the show() action and consists of multiple Stages. Stage 1 involves reading and parsing the CSV file, while Stage 2 involves grouping and aggregating the data. Each Stage is divided into Tasks, which operate on partitions of the data. Understanding the division of Jobs, Stages, and Tasks in Spark helps in optimizing performance and debugging Spark applications effectively.


In Spark, a Job is triggered by an action and consists of multiple Stages, which in turn are divided into Tasks. Each Task operates on a partition of the data, and Stages are formed based on the need for data shuffling. Understanding this hierarchy helps in optimizing and debugging Spark applications.

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Updated on June 18, 2024