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PySpark – DataFrame Window Functions

PySpark – DataFrame Window Functions #

Introduction to Window Functions #

Window functions in PySpark allow for performing calculations across a set of rows that are somehow related to the current row. Unlike aggregate functions, which return a single result for a group of rows, window functions return multiple rows while retaining individual row values. These functions are particularly useful for computing running totals, rankings, moving averages, and more.

Window functions in PySpark are performed using the pyspark.sql.Window class, which defines a window specification that controls how the rows are related.

Key Window Functions in PySpark #

  1. Ranking Functions: rank(), dense_rank(), row_number()
  2. Analytical Functions: lead(), lag(), ntile()
  3. Aggregate Functions over Windows: sum(), avg(), min(), max()

Components of a Window Specification #

  • Partitioning: Defines how to divide the data into partitions (similar to the GROUP BY clause in SQL).
  • Ordering: Defines the order of the rows within each partition.
  • Frame Specification: Defines the range of rows within the partition to be considered in the calculation.

1. Ranking Functions #

a) row_number() #

row_number() assigns a unique, sequential number to each row within a partition of a DataFrame, starting at 1.


  • partitionBy("Department"): Data is partitioned by the “Department” column.
  • orderBy(col("Salary").desc()): Within each department, rows are ordered by “Salary” in descending order.
b) rank() #

rank() assigns ranks to rows within a partition, with gaps in rank values in case of ties.

c) dense_rank() #

dense_rank() is similar to rank(), but without gaps between rank values in case of ties.

2. Analytical Functions #

a) lead() #

lead() provides access to the next row’s data within the partition, useful for comparing values in consecutive rows.


  • The lead("Salary", 1) retrieves the salary of the next row within the partition.
b) lag() #

lag() is similar to lead() but accesses the previous row’s data within the partition.

3. Aggregate Functions Over Windows #

a) sum() #

Calculating the cumulative or running total within a window:

b) avg() #

Calculating a running average:

4. Frame Specification #

In addition to partitionBy() and orderBy(), you can specify a range or frame of rows that influence the calculation. You can define a window frame with the rowsBetween() or rangeBetween() method.


  • rowsBetween(-2, 0): This specifies that the window should include the current row and the 2 rows preceding it.

Real-World Example: Employee Ranking by Salary #

Let’s put everything together into a more realistic example where we want to rank employees based on their salaries, calculate the cumulative sum, and compute the next and previous salaries for comparison.

Key Window Functions in Action: #

  • row_number(): Assigns a unique sequential number for each row in each department based on salary.
  • rank(): Assigns rank to employees in each department with gaps for ties.
  • dense_rank(): Ranks without gaps for ties.
  • lead() and lag(): Access the next and previous salaries.
  • sum(): Calculates a cumulative sum of salaries in each department.
  • avg(): Calculates a running average salary within each department.

Key Takeaways: #

  • Partitioning and Ordering: Window functions work on partitions of data defined by partitionBy() and ordered by orderBy().
  • Ranking and Analytics: Functions like rank(), lead(), and lag() help in ranking and performing analytical operations across rows.
  • Frame Specification: Define a custom window of rows with rowsBetween() or rangeBetween() to create more specific calculations.
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Updated on September 17, 2024