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Spark – Interview Question on Transformation & Action

here are 10 critical interview questions on Spark transformations and actions, along with hands-on code examples.

10 Critical Interview Questions on Spark Transformations and Actions with Hands-on Code #

1. What is the difference between transformations and actions in Spark? #

Answer: Transformations are operations on RDDs that return a new RDD, such as map or filter. They are lazy, meaning they do not execute until an action is called. Actions are operations that trigger execution and return a value to the driver program or write data to an external storage system, such as collect or saveAsTextFile.


2. Explain the map and flatMap transformations with examples. #

Answer: map applies a function to each element in the RDD and returns a new RDD with the results. flatMap is similar but allows the function to return a list of elements, which are then flattened into a single RDD.


3. How does the reduceByKey transformation work? Provide an example. #

Answer: reduceByKey groups the data by key and then applies a reduction function to the values of each key.


4. What is the use of aggregate and how is it different from reduce? #

Answer: aggregate allows the user to apply different functions to the intermediate and final results, offering more control compared to reduce, which uses the same function for both.


5. How do groupByKey and reduceByKey differ in terms of performance? #

Answer: reduceByKey performs better than groupByKey because it combines the values for each key before shuffling the data, whereas groupByKey shuffles all the key-value pairs, leading to more data being transferred across the network.


6. Explain the join transformation with an example. #

Answer: join combines two RDDs by their keys and returns a new RDD with all pairs of elements for each key.


7. What is the union transformation, and how is it used? Provide an example. #

Answer: union combines two RDDs into one, including all elements from both RDDs.


8. Describe the persist and cache methods. When would you use them? #

Answer: cache is a shorthand for persist with the default storage level MEMORY_ONLY. Both are used to store RDDs in memory (or other storage) to speed up repeated computations on the same data.


9. How do you use the distinct transformation, and what is its purpose? #

Answer: distinct removes duplicate elements from an RDD.


10. Explain the use of zip transformation with an example. #

Answer: zip combines two RDDs into an RDD of pairs, where each pair contains one element from each RDD. The RDDs must have the same number of elements.


These questions and examples cover a range of critical Spark transformations and actions, providing a solid foundation for understanding and utilizing Spark in real-world scenarios.

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Updated on August 4, 2024