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Spark – Dataframe Practice Programs

Here are five critical practice programs involving Spark DataFrame operations, along with their solutions:

Practice Program 1: Reading and Writing DataFrames #

Problem Statement: Read a CSV file into a Spark DataFrame, perform some transformations, and write the transformed DataFrame to a new CSV file.


Practice Program 2: DataFrame Aggregations #

Problem Statement: Calculate the average salary for each department from a given DataFrame.


Practice Program 3: Joining DataFrames #

Problem Statement: Join two DataFrames on a common column and select specific columns from the resulting DataFrame.


Practice Program 4: Handling Missing Data #

Problem Statement: Handle missing data in a DataFrame by filling missing values with a default value.


Practice Program 5: DataFrame UDF (User Defined Functions) #

Problem Statement: Create a custom function to transform a column in a DataFrame using a UDF.


These practice programs cover reading/writing data, aggregations, joins, handling missing data, and using UDFs in Spark DataFrame operations. They provide a solid foundation for working with Spark DataFrames in various scenarios.

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Updated on August 3, 2024